Donations can be sent by e-transfer to There is no need to include a security question or password.

Please ensure you fill out the form below so we can contact you post-donation to vote for the group to receive funding.

If you prefer to send a cheque rather than an e-transfer, cheques payable to “Island Queers and Allies Who Care” can be mailed to Steve LeBel, 1001 - 379 Tyee Road, Victoria, BC, V9A 0B4. Please ensure you include your name and contact information.

Contact information of donor required to allow for tracking of who the donors are each quarter so we can invite you to vote on the recipient group.

Please note that donations are NOT tax-deductible.

Each person who donates within a particular three-month period (a “quarter”) will get to vote on which group or project to donate funds to. This will happen at the end of each quarter. Voting instructions will be shared via e-mail.

Donate by June 15 to get a vote on the current applicants. Donations after June 15 will have the opportunity to vote in the fall.

Thank you for your support.